“You stay classy, San Diego” – Ron Burgundy

“After completing a tiring day at college I decided to relax in the way that I usually find most rewarding – baking. I absolutely adore chocolate cake but today was feeling more like cookie day. Perhaps more like an apple cinnamon cookie day! Off I went. Whisking and mixing and beating. Before I knew it, […]

The Kindle Voice

My mum takes an interest in my type 1 (T1D) and I’m blessed to have her in my elite diabetes support crew. Afterall, she was personally head hunted by myself and it was only after a rigorous background check, aptitude test and interview that she became appointed as my “Chief Supporter”.  My only slight concern […]

Running to Hawaii

Aloha all, As the rest of the family spares me the trouble of travelling all the way to Hawaii for a tiring vacation, expending copious amounts of energy floating about at sea on donut rings, paddling like there’s no tomorrow and having real difficulty deciding what exact wave to catch, I am fortunate to be […]

Milking It!

You would be correct in assuming that the thought of milk has udderly plagued my mind recently. I get ready for bed, I think about how cows get ready for bed. I go to sleep, I count cows instead of sheep. I wake up, I think about if the cows have also woken up. I […]

Tidak boleh

Hi everyone, sorry for the long gap since my last post. I’ve still got diabetes but have been fantastically and enjoyably busy. I have a reasonable break before my last exam and thought I’d get some admin done which inspired me to write – Antonia It feels like many moons ago that I scored a […]

Covid lurgy can make you lazy

With COVID floating around student-ville since university kicked off back in February, I was lucky to not have gotten it sooner. It was an early Thursday morning when I took an RAT that came back positive. My mood upon seeing those two red lines was not so positive although I wasn’t surprised having had a […]

Flexing with insulin

At university, the COVID cases have been growing so it was only a week ago that I managed to make my debut appearance for 2022 at the local gym. It was also going to be the debut of the omnipod (see previous blog) at the gym. It’s such a cool bit of kit that I […]

TEAM ANTONIA DIABETES (Otago Rail Trail with Omnipod)

Asides from pedalling my mother’s e-bike around and abusing its power to the maximum whilst fantasising about being on a motorcycle and channelling some “life is a highway” energy, I have not been cycling consistently.  Not once did I find myself on a bicycle during my first year of university. Not only was everything within […]

I’ve Met Someone Else

When I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes back in early ’20, I was briefly introduced to the insulin pen (insulin injection device) from the comfort of my hospital bed and I knew from that moment on that we were going to spend a lot of time together. Or at least so I thought… Turns […]

You Too Miss Bakeaboo!

It was your classic Dunner Stunner (local lingo for a beautiful day in Dunedin, NZ) where I was revising material from the comfort of my college room, engrossed in the wonders of the human body system and sipping on a hot chocolate (sugar-free diabetic friendly alternative of course) when I heard a ping. I had […]