The Kindle Voice

My mum takes an interest in my type 1 (T1D) and I’m blessed to have her in my elite diabetes support crew. Afterall, she was personally head hunted by myself and it was only after a rigorous background check, aptitude test and interview that she became appointed as my “Chief Supporter”.  My only slight concern was the criminal offense that appeared in the background check. This offense has a title called The Kindle Voice.  I am quite horrified by it but alas, I am well versed in situations where it comes to light. The Kindle Voice comes out when mum is deeply engrossed in her book. Her head lolls on a cushion, her eyes are narrowed and focused and she lies absolutely motionless on the sofa. Exhibit A asks mum “what’s for lunch?” All the previous symptoms imply that Exhibit A will soon be met with The Kindle Voice… and just like that… The Kindle Voice awakens. “Hmmmummfff (*inaudible)” mum says. Exhibit A asks again and is greeted with the same whispering muffle from mum. A sound of sounds so unrecognizable to human ear that it is truly frightening. Unfortunately, much like T1D there is no known cure of The Kindle Voice but because of how incredible my mum is, I let it slip and she was warmly welcomed into team Antonia’s Type 1 diabetes.  

Thinking so much about my mum’s reading and her involvement in my T1D got me thinking… Is Diabetes something that features in books? Fiction? Has she ever come across a character that had Diabetes? My mum said no. As an avid reader myself, I haven’t ever read about someone with Type 1 too. In all her time absorbed in historical novels and my time spent enthralled in mystery thrillers, not once had we ever read about somebody with Type 1 Diabetes! I was a bit shocked to have this revelation. It would be really lovely to see my condition represented and talked about more. 

To have the hero character in a book as a Type 1 Diabetic would’ve been inspirational when I was diagnosed back in 2020. I can only imagine what joy a book like that would give youngsters with Type 1 Diabetes.  Imagine the Golum pawing over his insulin pen saying “you are also my preciousssss”.

Also, it could help generate awareness by bringing the reader information about T1D in a really matter of fact way. To those who aren’t very familiar with the condition and/or confuse it with Type 2 Diabetes, this would be extremely beneficial in keeping them informed and educated. I am also of the opinion that the book does not have to revolve around diabetes but rather be an element of the character in some awesome, action-packed, friendship-filled novel that explores so much more!

Overall, it would be super valuable to have Diabetic characters in fiction. With around 8.7 million T1Ds why aren’t there more stories?

Perhaps one day I’ll write one of these stories. I’ve already had some ideas. I thought about writing about a Type 1 Diabetic who turns to a drug gang to make quick, easy money to fund their diabetes devices (e.g. constant glucose monitors). By the way, I didn’t intend for this drug gang to be an insulin gang but it might make a spicy plot twist! Sounds like a budding thriller to me. Or maybe it could be about some War veteran with T1D and how they coped. My mum would read that one. My dad suggested it could be about a group of individuals who gather on a boat on the Nile and a grizzly murder takes place. He failed to tell me a) how T1D would be incorporated into it and b) if this was already a book written by Agatha Christie.

Blood glucose upon publishing: 15.3mmol/L

8 thoughts on “The Kindle Voice

  1. If you look carefully you can see H.E.S.H. the mini schnauzer is enjoying the kindle too. She doesn’t have a kindle bark. In fact she doesn’t bark very much at all.

  2. Love reading what you’re getting up to. So impressed with your positive attitude. You write so well, I’m sure the book will be a best seller.

  3. Great post Antonia
    Love your job application criteria. Keep writing. Don’t listen to your Dad’s ideas for a book. I’m sure yours will be much better

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